MarkLogic Connect
MarkLogic Connect Client API Collection
C Language Wrapper

Describes the C API wrapper for this C++ API

Adam Fowler

The MarkLogic C++ API includes a C wrapper that can be used by native C applications in order to access MarkLogic Server.

The C wrapper consists of C header files (.h files) that define the interface to interact with MarkLogic Server.

The Core API is well served by C wrappers for all core functionality. There are some instances where having a C wrapper does not make sense. One of these is in the utility classes. The PugiXML and Microsoft cpprest APIs are object orientated APIs, and so it did not make sense to provide C wrapper functions for these classes.

Likewise it does not currently make sense to wrap each subclass of IDocumentContent. It is assumed C applications will deal with the raw string content underlying the Response (CResponse) objects, directly.

The C wrapper API consists of the ConnectionWrapper.h file and ResponseWrapper.h file functions. These wrap Connection and Response objects, respectively.