User defined (custom) blocks

In order to define your own blocks without having to modify and build the front-end you can just update the following 2 files:

./Examples/CustomModules/user.json ./Examples/CustomModules/user.sjs

Block interfaces definition: It’s used to display the block and its inputs/outputs


This example describes an Object block. In Pipes 2.0 this is not needed anymore, you can achieve the same using a “reverse” source block (fields in, node out with the root toggle on false).

Add a new block definition in the array like this:

    "functionName": "Object",
    "blockName": "Object",
    "library": "user",
    "events": {
      "onConfigure": "let v = this.widgets[0].value;if (this.widgets.length == (parseInt(v) + 1)) return; this.widgets=this.widgets.slice(0,1);for (let x=0;x < v ;x++) {this.addWidget(\"text\", \"key\" + x , this.widgets_values[x+1], function (v) {})};return;"
    "inputs": [
        "name": "var0",
        "type": null
    "properties": [
    "widgets": [
        "type": "text",
        "name": "nbKeys",
        "default": "1",
        "values": "1",
        "callback": "let nb = this.inputs.length;let vInt = parseInt(v); if (vInt < nb) {for (let i=0;i<(nb - vInt);i++){this.removeInput(this.inputs.length-1);this.widgets.pop()}}else if (vInt > nb) { this.widgets=this.widgets.slice(0,1 + nb);for(let i=nb;i<vInt;i++) {this.addInput('var' + i,null);this.addWidget(\"text\", \"key\" + i  , '', function (v) {})};}"
        "type": "text",
        "name": "key0",
        "default": "",
        "values": []

    "outputs": [
        "name": "obj0",
        "type": null
    "function": {
      "ref": null,
      "code": ""

Block implementation :

It’s used to execute the logic of the block in MarkLogic

The code is located in :


function init(LiteGraph){

    function ObjectBlock() {
        this.nbKeys = this.addWidget("text","nbKeys", "string", function(v){},  { } );
        const OUTPUTS = 20;
        for (let vp = 0; vp < OUTPUTS; vp++ ) {
            var varName = 'key' + vp;
            this[varName] = this.addWidget("text",varName, "", function(v){},  { } );
            this.addInput("var" + vp);

    ObjectBlock.title = "Object";

    // New in Pipes 2: This should be fixed on "user.sjs", that is this file.
    ObjectBlock.prototype.getRuntimeLibraryPath = function() {
        return "user.sjs";

    // New in Pipes 2: This returns the method name which should be in the 
    // getRuntimeLibraryPath() module. 
    ObjectBlock.prototype.getRuntimeLibraryFunctionName = function() {
        return "executeObjectBlock";


       Old Pipes 1.x implementation for reference. 

         ObjectBlock.prototype.onExecute = function()  {
            let obj = {};
            let keys = parseInt(this.nbKeys.value); 
            for ( let i = 0 ; i < keys ; i++ ) {
                const key = this['key'+i].value; 
                if ( key && key.length > 0 ) {
                    obj[key] = this.getInputData(i); 

    // This should be fixed to this. In case of interpretation, executeBlock will call the delegate. 
    ObjectBlock.prototype.onExecute = function()  {
    LiteGraph.registerNodeType("user/Object", ObjectBlock );

// BEWARE, this is outside the object:

// Optional function named <executionMethod>InputAsList. 
// If not present: false.
// Return true if you want to get the inputs as a list (executeMethod(propertiesAnmdWidgets,inputsAsLost)
// Return false if you want the inputs as args: (executeMethod(propertiesAnmdWidgets,inp1,inp2,inp3)
function executeObjectBlockInputAsList() {
  return true;

// Optional function named <executionMethod>ReturnAlwaysAnArray.
// If not present: false
// Return true: <executionMethod> should always return [output1,output2,output3...]
// Return false: If nr of outputs = 1 -> return output, if outputs > 1 return [output1,output2,....]

function executeObjectBlockReturnAlwaysAnArray() { 
    return false;

// This is the execution block
function executeObjectBlock(propertiesAndWidgets,inputs) { 
    let obj = {};
    let keys = parseInt(propertiesAndWidgets.widgets.nbKeys);
    for ( let i = 0 ; i < keys ; i++ ) {
        const key = propertiesAndWidgets.widgets['key'+i];
        if ( inputs && key && key.length > 0 && i < inputs.length ) {
            obj[key] = inputs[i];
    return obj;

// BE SURE to export it, else it is not visible. 
module.exports = {

You must then run gradle mlloadmodules You can also find details on block implementation here: Litegraph guides

How to tell Pipes to use these blocks

  • Put these files in a separate directory. Don’t put them in the src/ directory of your DHF project. For instance, if your DHF project is in /usr/dev/my-dhf-project, create a folder /usr/dev/my-dhf-project/user-modules and put the files there
  • Now, to tell Pipes you want to include the user blocks defined in these files, you have to use the customModulesRoot property. There are 2 ways to do it:
    • java -jar marklogic-pipes-1.2-release.jar --customModulesRoot=/usr/dev/my-dhf-project/user-modules
    • Or, put customModulesRoot=/usr/dev/my-dhf-project/user-modules in The file should be put in the same folder from which you’re running the Pipes jar so that it can be read in on start.
  • In the Pipes blocks menu, you should now see a “user” group. If you don’t see it, you probably have to refresh your browser or even clear the browser history: