Guide to Working with the Grove React UI

This is a guide for developers working with the React UI provided by Grove. It includes step-by-step guides for customizing the detail page, search results, and navbar.

DO THIS FIRST: Read up about React

Before modifying or extending the Grove React UI, you should be familiar with React. The official React website has a brief and well-structured introduction to React concepts. Please work through it first. It will make everything else much easier to learn.

Development Environment Setup

You may get errors in your code editor when opening React files if it does not have a JSX plugin. (You can add the “Javascript (Babel)” plugin to Sublime, for example.)

Customization Recipes

The Grove React flavor can be customized to suit the needs of your application. Follow these recipes to make Grove your own.

Additional Components

The Grove team has developed a number of additional components that might help you develop faster with Grove.