Grove welcomes recipe contributions

Have you done something you’re happy with, or something that’s highly reusable that others could benefit from? Please submit it for inclusion in these docs!

These docs are mainly written in Markdown, with a bit of additional markup and configuration required so it will be displayed properly and link-able. The steps are very straightforward and detailed below.


To add a page into the Recipes section, first open _data/sidenav.yml.

Add a new value to the childPages array of the JSON object with a value of text:Recipes. For example,

  { url: '/recipes/awesome-feature/', text: 'My awesome feature' }

can be added to the array:

- {
  text: 'Recipes',
  childPages: [
    { url: '/recipes/recipe-contributions/', text: 'Add your recipe!' },
    { url: '/recipes/awesome-feature/', text: 'My awesome feature' }

Next, create the empty file _pages/recipes/ The filename should match the url you defined.

Lastly, in the markdown file you just created, add the following to the top of the file:

    layout: inner
    title: Marianne's Awesome Recipe
    lead_text: ''
    permalink: /recipes/awesome-recipe/

Ensure you update the title to something meaningful. The permalink must match the url you previously defined.

Everything after the second --- should be written in Markdown. Feel free to take a look at some of the samples in the React Guide for inspiration.

Submitting a Pull Request

In case you need a referesher on Forking projects on GitHub, we’ve got you covered.

Fork Grove

Fork the project on GitHub and clone your copy.

git clone
cd grove
git remote add upstream git://

All documentation changes go into the docs branch.

Create a branch for your changes

Okay, so you have decided to add some docs. Create a feature branch and start hacking:

git checkout -b my-feature-branch -t origin/docs

Rebase your repo

Use git rebase (not git merge) to sync your work from time to time.

git fetch upstream
git rebase upstream/docs

Push your changes

git push origin my-feature-branch

Submit the pull request

Go to and select your feature branch. Click the ‘Pull Request’ button and fill out the form.

Pull requests are usually reviewed within a few days. If you get comments that need to be to addressed, apply your changes in a separate commit and push that to your feature branch. Post a comment in the pull request afterwards; GitHub does not send out notifications when you add commits to existing pull requests.

That’s it! Thank you for your contribution!

After your pull request is merged

After your pull request is merged, you can safely delete your branch and pull the changes from the main (upstream) repository:

  • Delete the remote branch on GitHub either through the GitHub web UI or your local shell as follows:

      git push origin --delete my-feature-branch
  • Check out the docs branch:

      git checkout docs -f
  • Delete the local branch:

      git branch -D my-feature-branch
  • Update your docs with the latest upstream version:

      git pull --ff upstream docs