Custom Merge Algorithms

Smart Mastering provides out-of-the-box merging capabilities, but you may want to customize how that merging happens. The default behavior is to grab all the values from matching documents, sort them on weight, then return the first @max-values values (see Matching Options). If @max-values is not set, then the first 99 values are returned.

If you want to take more control over what it means for two property values to merge, you can do so by implementing your own algorithm in a function. Create a function with the signature below. Return a subset of the properties passed into the function.

Customizing Merging

Custom Merging with JavaScript

Here is the JavaScript function signature for a custom merge algorithm:

function customMerge(

The propertyName is simply the name of the JSON property that holds the instance property being merged. The properties parameter is a sequence of JavaScript objects that provide information about property values from the source documents, along with lineage information. Each object has three keys: sources, values, and name. The value for sources is itself an object, with keys name (an identifier) extracted from the source; dateTime (an xs:dateTime) extracted from the source, if available; and documentUri (identifying this particular source document). The values key connects to the property value or values from this particular source document. The name key is the name of the property value.

The propertySpec parameter is the JSON obejct from the merging properties that corresponds to the property for which the algorithm is being used.

Custom Merging with XQuery

Here is the XQuery function signature for a custom merge algorithm:

declare function custom-merging:customThing(
  $property-name as xs:QName,
  $properties as map:map*,
  $property-spec as element(merging:merge)?

The $property-name is simply a QName identifying the property. The $properties parameter is a sequence of map:maps that provide information about property values from the source documents, along with lineage information. Each map has three keys: sources, values, and name. The value for sources is itself a map, with keys name (an identifier) extracted from the source; dateTime (an xs:dateTime) extracted from the source, if available; and documentUri (identifying this particular source document). The values key connects to the property value or values from this particular source document. The name key is the name of the property value.

The $property-spec parameter is the merging:merge element from the merging properties that corresponds to the property for which the algorithm is being used.

Configuring Options to Use Custom Merge Functions

To use your custom merge functions, add them to the algorithms section of your merge options. The algorithm-ref/algorithmRef used for the merge and merge-strategy definitions refers to the name you assign in the algorithms section.

The algorithm needs name, at, function, and for XQuery functions, ns in order to find your custom code. The at property is the absolute path the library module in the modules database that holds your function. ns is the namespace in an XQuery library module. function is the actual name of the function (not including the namespace or prefix for XQuery code).

XML Options


JSON Options

    "algorithms": {
      "custom": [
          "name": "favoriteColor", 
          "at": "/smart-mastering/merge/favoriteColor.sjs"
          "function": "favoriteColor" 