Note: There are several ways to create a consumer group. Make sure You can kill the java job above. We want only one consumer with the group and will be used later in ConsumeKakfa process
MarkLogic to Kafka
Load the sample JSON file to MarkLogic. Give a collection name and note the collection name.
Import the template “MarkLogic_to_Kafka” to NiFi
Set the password, database name, port, etc. for QueryMarkLogic processor
Check the query and make sure the collection name matches
On PutKafka make sure the queue name matches
Open a consumer for the queue to see the results
Run the flow and you will see on the consumer window information retrieved from MarkLogic
Kafka to MarkLogic
Import the Kafka_to_MarkLogic template
On ConsumeKafka processor check the queue name “bankInQue” and group-id “bankInQueGroup”
Configure the database connection controller service for PutMarkLogic